Corporate Wellness

Interactive, fun and experiential group therapy with a similar, yet greater effect as an employee assistance programme.

Corporate Wellness Program

In corporate wellness, only occasionally will the problem reside in a single person. Most frequently, our consultants seek to understand how the organizational context motivates the employee’s behavior and, conversely, how the individual affects the organization.

Thought Provoking Exercises Employees will engage in exciting and thought provoking exercises which seek to address expectations that set employees up for failure in their careers and life. It addresses their need to feel progressive, relevant and Unique in their undertakings.

We believe in workplaces where everyone can thrive.

We administer ongoing researched group activities and exercises, overseen by certified wellness coaches and industry professionals. These programs are organization specific. Examples include flexibility, my voice, Freedom, leadership and friends amongst others.

Thought Provoking Exercises

Employees will engage in exciting and thought provoking exercises which seek to address expectations that set employees up for failure in their careers and life. It addresses their need to feel progressive, relevant and Unique in their undertakings.

Intended Outcomes of Corporate Wellness